IMWS – Indian Muslim Welfare Society


Children aged 8 to 12 enjoyed games and activities during youth sessions held at the Al-Hikmah Centre last month. In total four sessions took place over two days during the half-term holidays with over 50 children attending.

Funded by Kirklees Council, the sessions were led by youth workers and activities included table tennis, pool tables, table top football, arts & crafts, Play Station 4, X Box and board games in the Al-Hikmah Hall. The four hour sessions were split into two parts and the other half of the session saw the children have use of the sports hall and compete in supervised activities.The activities worked as feedback ranged from a number of activities being their favourite. Arts and crafts, pool and dodge ball topped the charts. The lunchtime pizzas were also very popular.

The children enjoyed the activities and are already keen to know more about similar programmes. This was the second part of the school holidays programme with the first part being delivered in December.

IMWS would also like to thank the IMWS Girls Group who helped to deliver the girls session alongside lead youth workers. The Girls Group meets every Sunday and is for girls aged 13 to 19.

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Half-Term Fun at The Al-Hikmah Centre