IMWS – Indian Muslim Welfare Society


Indian Muslim Welfare Society

The Indian Muslim Welfare Society (IMWS) was established in 1957, with the express aim of supporting the well being and development of the local Muslim and wider community in and around Batley and the surrounding areas. IMWS is registered with the Charity Commission (charity number 1067746).

IMWS is based at the Al-Hikmah Centre, a 4 and a half acre site in Batley. The site includes a grade 2 listed building, sports and wedding halls, and conference facilities.

IMWS, being at the forefront in the promotion of diversity, is often asked it’s views on Faith, Racial and Cultural issues at both Local, Regional and National level.

It is managed by a Board of Trustees which consists of a Chair, Vice Chair and up to 10 other Office Bearers.

Appointment of trustees is governed by the constitution of the charity. The Board of Trustees adopts the title of ‘Executive Trustees’, and ordinarily consists of 12 elected members for a period of up to 3 years. The roles and responsibilities of the Executive Trustees will be governed by the current Charities Act and the Society’s ‘Roles and Responsibilities’ document. In addition, the Executive Committee may also appoint not more than 10 co-opted members for a term of up to 2 years, and Area Representatives of affiliated organisations. At regular meetings the Executive Committee agrees the broad strategy.

The following are affiliated organisations of IMWS:

Islamic Cultural & Welfare Association (ICWA) – Jame Masjid & Jumma Masjid (First IMWS masjid location) Mount Pleasant Islamic Trust (MPIT) – Madina Masjid Masjid e Mahmodiyah (Taylor St./Talbot St.) Masjid e Noor (Dark Lane) Masjid Dawatul Islam (Soothill area) Masjid Noor-Ul-Islam (Snowden St.) Ilaahi Masjid (Hope St.) Purpose and activities

The purposes of the charity are:

To promote Islam in a positive manner. To promote religious harmony between different religious communities living locally and nationally. To advance education and employment opportunities and provide/facilitate training, for the local community. To promote such other charitable purposes as may from time to time be determined. To represent the community at all levels.

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