IMWS – Indian Muslim Welfare Society


IMWS Award

IMWS contributions recognised by Islamic Relief in award ceremony at Royal Armouries Leeds

The Indian Muslim Welfare Society has been given an award recognising the charity’s dedication, commitment and service to humanity. The award was presented to IMWS Chair Rafik Dabhad and dedicated Charity worker, Munir Daji by Islamic Relief’s deputy Director, Zia Salik at a ceremony at the Royal Armouries in Leeds.

The award recognises the significant work of IMWS, despite the unprecedented impact of the pandemic and financial strains of the UK economy, IMWS continues to support millions of people in struggling communities across the UK and the globe, continuing to alleviate poverty, empower communities, and respond to disasters.

IMWS Chair, Rafik Dabhad dedicated the award to every IMWS member. “We are pleased to be recognised by a prominent institution like Islamic Relief, the world’s biggest Western Muslim aid and development agency for our contribution to supporting those in need around the world. “This award is a recognition of the selfless efforts and dedication of our hardworking staff, partners within the UK and beyond as the immense trust that our donors and supporters place in IMWS by giving their donations to support our campaigns is a testament to their generosity.

“We are thoroughly honoured to be given such an award. Whilst it has been a challenging couple of years during the pandemic, our teams have pulled together and ensured our work reaches more people than ever. This award is dedicated to every member of the IMWS family.”. The IMWS delegation also consisted of Masum bhai Karolia and Hafez Mahmood Patel.

“This award is dedicated to every member of the IMWS family” 
IMWS Chairman